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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

PICC line out! Antibiotics done! Infection gone! Bloodwork normal! I'm freee!!!

I was given the best news at the doctor today! After 2-1/2 weeks on heavy doses of 3 different antibiotics, a hospital stay, struggling through side effects, fever and fatigue, I am finally cleared for takeoff. The doctor said no guarantees, but he thinks we may have saved my expander. The real test will be this next week. If I can stay infection-free for one week, I'll be able to have a saline expansion at the PS next Friday... one step closer to the end of my reconstruction.

I've been suffering severe left shoulder pain for over a week now, and don't know the cause. My right side has almost full range of motion now, but my left shoulder is very painful with certain movement. The pain radiates down my arm, which might signify nerve involvement, possibly from the PICC line in my left arm. We're hoping that's the case, and it goes away in a few days... not bursitis, tendonitis, or worse yet, frozen shoulder. They're all possibilities, and until I'm officially diagnosed by an Orthopedic surgeon, I'm holding off on physical therapy on that side for now.

I still have a long way to go, but the good news is, I can finally start my climb out of this pitt. Being used to having energy, vitality, flexibility and strength, it's challenging to be so out of shape, sluggish, stiff, and easily winded. A flight of stairs leaves me gasping for air. I think it was especially frustrating for me because I was just starting to get my stamina back on Memorial weekend in Frezno at the dance event, and this infection came out of nowhere and set me back a few weeks. Thankfully I'm starting to pull through, and it's looking like I may have beat the odds. I was told most often with expander infections they have to come out.

First day off the antibiotics -- the REAL test is the next 7 days. Super diet. Super hydration. Immune builders. Rest. Meditation. Rest. ...and maybe a little dancing. Just a little, I promise! Any suggestions for natural ways of fending off those little buggers would be most appreciated. They are NOT welcome in my body no more!!!

In reflection, this has been just one more chapter in my journey, an opportunity to create something meaningful in dealing with breast cancer. My appreciation for life and health has been enriched, I am more clearly in touch with what really matters and who I am at my core.

If you are reading this and have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, I can tell you this: you will never feel so loved. The pouring out of love and support from friends and family has been amazing and what's enabled me to keep my positive outlook. It hasn't been easy, but that's okay, nothing worthwhile ever is.

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