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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tuesday May 11th - "NO-Breast-Cancer" Update

I haven't sent out an update for a while and thought it's about time. I am 3-1/2 weeks post mastectomy, and I'm doing pretty well, all considered. Still cancer free! My Plastic Surgeon (PS), Dr. Newman, gave me the okay to drive last Monday, which was encouraging. I probably jumped into it to fast and did too much last week, but it was hard not to. I was feeling so much better and stronger.

My first oncologist appt (Dr. Makalinao) was on Friday, and he confirmed it... no chemo, no radiation, no drugs whatsoever. I am SO lucky! Now I can just focus on my reconstruction, which will take several months. But thankfully I have my beautiful survivor friends Dena, Carmen and Joan paving my way right now with theirs. Not to mention Leah and Valyn who have been by my side as well... and all the ladies in my support group!

My oncologist seems very good. Just like my breast surgeon Dr. Schiff, he began talking and answered almost all my questions before I had the chance to ask them. He is ordering the testing for the BRCA genes, within the next couple of weeks, which will be a big weight lifted. (Especially if I'm negative.) He said that if I test positive for the gene, I'd have to have my ovaries out. And of course my kids would be tested if I'm positive. But I'll cross that bridge when I have to. I tell you, it felt GREAT when he said he doesn't need to see me for another 3 months!

Today was my appointment with my PS, when I was hoping to get my drains removed. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. I needed to be draining less than 30 cc's of fluid for two days in a row, and I had only done that one day (yesterday). So I made another appointment for this Friday, hoping I can have them out by then!

I feel this is a mini-setback because the drain sites are causing me tremendous pain now. In the last couple of days, it's gotten worse. The slightest wrong movement, and it's excruciating. Pain meds don't help. The PS said it's normal to have this pain, it typically does get worse with time, (the longer they stay in ), and there's nothing he can do for it. I finally got him to approve a lidocaine cream from the pharmacy, and that helps only a little. So that is why I am praying the drains will come out Friday. I have to sit around all day and hardly move; not fun!

On the bright side, he gave me my first expansion fill today! I forget how many cc's of saline, but it seemed like 2-3 BIG syringes full, on both sides! (I took pain meds before the appt so I was a little ditzy.) I'm still very lopsided, though. My right is much smaller than my left due to skin loss during surgery, and he said it'll always be uneven... but that he might be able to take some skin off the left side during my implant surgery (3 months maybe). Good news is, the expansion didn't hurt. That was a big relief.

Miriam and Rachel came with me to the appointment today, and Miriam also brought over an awesome taco dinner complete with fresh flowers, homemade brownies & TJ's sparkling pomegranite juice, my favorite. (John made his famous taco shells to go with dinner.) Gina sent me 8 romantic comedies on DVD, and I'm still working through Goldie Hawn's autobiography ... so I've plenty to keep me occupied the next 3 days while I'm sitting around trying to be as still as possible.

So yeah, I'm doing okay all things considered. Yet somehow, when all your focus and energy has to be aimed toward pain relief, you still have this sense that the world is passing you by. I sit here looking at my bedroom filled with flowers from friends and my walls lined with get well cards... they mean so much to me and surround me with love and warmth... yet they also remind me that each person who signed every one of those cards is out there living their life, working, playing, shopping, dancing; and while their kind and empathetic prayers and efforts to lift me up are doing wonders for me, life does go on. it should be.

In the words of Jack Smith, keep on keepin' on. And know that I'm thinking about you! One day soon I'll be joining you out there living life again.... and appreciating it with all my heart.


P.S. Congrats to all of you who danced at SwingDiego this weekend. I was watching the live feed all weekend, and saw many of you competing & social dancing! It made me feel almost like I was there with you all. So inspirational! How about that 'text-your-vote-in' after the J&J competition? Just like DWTS & American Idol. So cool!

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