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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Another bump in the road. Infection, or not? Part 2.

On Thursday I noticed a very small patch of redness on my right breast, same area as the infection I had last month. On Friday it had spread a little; but I felt fine. Called the doc, went in, and was sent directly to the ER. Stayed overnight and just got home; tired, but okay. They gave me 3 rounds of IV antibiotics in the hospital, and I will need 9 more days of it. Luckily I was able to avoid having a PICC line inserted this time, and they're just using the peripheral line in my arm which has to be switched out every 3 days. I have to go to the infusion center once daily for the next 9 days.

I'll be getting one of the same antibiotics I had last time - Cubicin - which made me extremely fatigued and weak. And the weird thing is, the doctor said it might not even BE an infection! It could just be irritation or a reaction. My white blood cell count is normal, and I have no fever. But they HAVE to treat it agressively just in case it is an infection, because I have these expanders. It appears my body does not like foreign objects! He said the only possible (probable) cause would be manipulation, meaning the saline fill I got last Friday. The blood flow to the area might be compromised. Hard to say. But at least I know I did nothing to cause it. It just happens.

Anyways I'm mostly okay and hoping that in a week it'll be cleared up and then NOTHING will prevent me from getting that implant surgery on Sept. 8th!! NOTHING!! Sigh… Best laid plans, eh?

Task for the day -- setting my mind around dealing with Cubicin side effects -- fatigue, aches & pains, itching, headaches. All part of the process. Chemo would be worse! This will all be over soon enough… bump in the road… I can do this!

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